Saturday, February 18, 2006

Vanilla vs. Neopolitan

So being a native of sunny california, I have to say that I hold a firm belief in californian women being the most beautiful across the board. However that was until I came to the Big Apple and opened my eyes up to all that this metropolitan melting pot has to offer. So with that I have broken down the style of the californian woman and new york woman into 2 distinct categories, Vanilla and Neopolitan.
Cailfornian women are often identified by looking the same. Once you have seen one woman in the mall wearing a pair of premium denim jeans with the cheap shoes of choice for the season, which a couple of seasons ago, it was those horrible looking cheap swapmeet chinesse slippers that every girl and their mother had in every color, along with some sort of spaghetti strap, or halter top shirt. Depending on the ethnicity varies the hair style that each culture tends to wear, which is another blog topic in itself. Now dont get me wrong, even with this sense of mundane, triteness the californian women can still put it together. They just lack the creativity to look different from the next woman in the same arena.
New york women vary across the board. They are just different in all aspects. They dress a totally differnt way than most. Their attitudes towards their fashion is one of individuality, and simplicity. They take what they wear seriously. From the topcoats, to snow boats, they are just on a differnet page when it comes to notions of how to present themselves. I have yet to create a look that every new york woman has ascribed to. It is because of this reason that I have finalized these two categories of women into categories.

Californian women = Vanilla
New York = Neopolitan

This title is not meant to down play the style of either coast, but rather present my opinion to the ways in whichwe can view the women on both sides as a whole. To me New York women just have a variety of flavors about them that make it appealing to some many different people. Now there are those people out there that will not stray away from the familiarity of the vanilla flavor. However, for those who want a little bit more tastee treat for their senses, New York has it and then some.


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