Thursday, February 23, 2006

Commitment Levels

Okay lets talk about the commitment level of New yorkers. I must say that they are the most commited people that I have run across to date. Im talking about a love and commitment for their city, which can be seen as small, over populated, dirty, and a mess to get around in. But that is not where I am going with this topic. My topic of commitment is focused on the way New yorkers are commited to that almighty cigerette. I mean I have never seen such a thing. I am talking about freezing sub zero temperatures, blizzards, rainy days, it doesnt matter, any New yorker can be seen huddled into a corner, nook, or cranny of a sidewalk or building trying to get the last drag of that much needed nicotine fix.
And just for a moment, I am going to rant a bit about why they get an excess of breaks in order to satisfy this craving for nicotine. I mean if I were a SEX addict, would that be okay for me to take a mid morning, afternoon, or evening break to go out with a group of people and "make it happen" sexually? I think not, so therefore why is it that it is seen as acceptible if someone says that they are going outside to have a smoke, but when I notify my superior that I taking a moment to go to the restroom, I get the "dont you have work to do face" Interesting huh? I think so to. Not only is smoking in my opinion, one of the most disgusting things that you can do, it makes your breathe stink, turns your teeth yellow, oh and it kills you.
So basically, I am saying that new yorkers are off the chain with the smoking, and their commitment level to maintaining this nasty habit, makes them head and shoulders all others.


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